I gave this to my Rabbi for hannukkah

some people don't understand out relationship. To those people I say look at this picture

Monday, March 24, 2008

To write poetry or write about poetry... that is the question!

Now what is the answer? Well, the two are very different for me. I love creative writing and short stories, but poetry is another story. when you are telling a story outright as an author you get to tell every detail; you get lines and lines to explain who everyone is why they are there, and why they are wearing that ugly Hawaiian shirt. While there are exceptions, in poetry pages devoted to character development are generally frowned on. Poetry also has the drawback of all of those rules. for me it's difficult to enjoy writing poetry when I feel like I constantly need to worry about if my lines rhyme or the iambic pentameter is working. I enjoy the creativity in poetry, but I think I'll stick to the creative writing.
When it comes to writing about poetry I am actually far more positive. While sitting down and writing about a poem is really not the first thing that comes to mind when I want to have fun, I really do enjoy writing about a poem. When I write about poetry I take more time to sit and look at a poem. while normally I may just do a quick read of a poem and then move on, when I am writing about a poem I am forced to take a better, more careful look at the poem, which is a good thing. The writing makes me consider word choice and style; soon I can really see the brilliance behind a poem. I am truly in awe of a poet who can convey the same story I am trying to write, but can do it in clear short stanzas and not long, rambling paragraphs like me. Because it helps me appreciate the poetry I really dislike writing I would much rather write about poetry then write poetry.