I gave this to my Rabbi for hannukkah

some people don't understand out relationship. To those people I say look at this picture

Monday, January 28, 2008

Greetings class I am Rachel Erinn Bobrosky, and yes there should be two n's. As you may have guessed I am Jewish, but I didn't really drop out of Hebrew school. In fact I did have a Bat Mitzvah... There was dancing and Manschevitz, just ask and I'd be happy to show you pictures. I am an Aeries who enjoys long walks on the beach and roller blading.... actually, no, I don't really like the beach and I am super accident prone so the roller blading is not a good idea either.

I come from a huge family of teachers. Both of my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparent- all teachers. It is because of this fact the one thing I did NOT want to be growing up was a teacher, I wanted to be something a little more flashy.... like a traffic control person. After being told by the traffic control school I would never make it in "the biz" , I finally had to sit down and think about what really made me happy. In all seriousness I love being able to teach kids and interact with them on a daily basis.... something I learned in high school when I actually taught hebrew school. I left teaching hebrew school when I graduated to go to college and more importantly fulfill my life long dream of working at the baby gap.
Before I continue I must mention the one true love in my life. Roshni Dastur. Roshni and I met in professor Athey's class, and from that day on my life has never been the same. We connect on so many levels, particularly when we realized we both had parents who teach and a love for the gryffindor quidditch captain Oliver Wood. For the past three years my best moments have been spent with Roshni. Some of the highlights include becoming godmother to her beautiful cat Bubbles, getting horribly lost in Mexico, and learning exactly what the phrase "it's my birthday!" really means in an unforgettable experience at Tokyo Delves. Without her my life would be incomplete.
And now on to the blog questions!....
One of my biggest fears about teaching is that I am a horrible disciplinarian. I have a tendency to have a really hard time getting angry at students when they deserve it. I have this horrible image of a classroom right out of animal house. I became a teacher, as I said before, because I love working with kids... there is just something so great about that day to day interaction. My biggest hope is that I can be the kind of teacher that I have been lucky enough to experience. I see technology and teaching as inseparable.... much like me and Roshni.

Well, I suppose that is enough for now.... I can't think of witty conclusion, so ......


Luke said...

A traffic control person? You mean one of those people who stands in the middle of the street and directs cars?

I don't like the beach either, but there is one exception: rollerblading on the bike path through Santa Monica and Venice is lots of fun.

Here's the funny thing about discipline at school: You might think you won't be good at it, but when the time comes you'll just do it. It's not about anger - well, not always about anger. It's about giving guidance and direction, and that requires discipline.

Roshni said...

I would love to see your Bat Mitzvah pictures. How have we been friends and I have not even seen these pictures from this very important event in a young Jewish womans life.
